
 Bismillahir rahmanir Rahim…..

Assalamualaikum wr. wb. Most of the articles on this blog come from personal experience from the howmyoffice.blogspot.com admin which is delivered and distributed in the form of articles complete with tutorial pictures. 

For the images or pictures contained on this blog, almost all of them are the result of the Sreen Shoot admin on his computer, which aims to make the tutorial understandable and understandable by looking at the picture or image. As for Images or images that are not included in the screen shoot, these are images taken from Google Images and we also include the web address that has the image.

If any of the articles or images contained on this blog are your copyright and you do not agree to us using them, then please let us know to the email muhammadmalik444@gmail.com . Also include real and authentic evidence (for example an image not copied from another website) that the article or image on this blog is yours.

We will immediately carry out an examination of the article or image that you claim to be yours, if it is proven that we used your article without including the source, we will make changes/edits and if necessary we will delete the article. Greetings…

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