How to Set Spacing Between Paragraphs in Microsoft Word
Paragraph is a collection of several sentences. With paragraphs, writing is easier to read than writing without paragraphs. Well, one way to distinguish one paragraph from another is the space between paragraphs.

It's not just lines of writing that have spaces, paragraphs also have spaces, the spacing between paragraphs can also be adjusted in size or spacing as you wish, by right-clicking on the mouse in the paragraph you want to adjust the spacing of.

Then friends select Paragraph, then a new window will appear. In the Spacing section, you can fill in the size of the distance between the spaces that you want. There you can adjust the size of the space between paragraphs before or after.

After friends adjust the spacing between paragraphs as desired, click OK to save the settings and friends can immediately see the results. If according to friends the size of the distance is not appropriate, friends can repeat again adjusting the distance according to the previous method.

If some of my friends are still not clear about the explanation above, I suggest friends to also see the video tutorial that I have previously prepared below.