How to Shrink Spaces in Microsoft Word 2010
Maybe most of my friends already know how to reduce the space between lines of writing in Microsoft Word, where this method aims to change the size of the space between lines so that the distance between lines in writing is not so wide or tenuous. The method is very easy.

First, friends, select all the writing in the word document by pressing the Ctrl key and the A button on the keyboard, after that, friends, click on the spacing settings on the Home menu. There will appear several space size options that you can choose, choose a small space size, for example 1 space, 1.15 space, or 1.5 space, or a smaller space size than the previous space.

After you choose the spacing size you want, that size will automatically be applied to the document. Now that's how to reduce spaces in Microsoft Word 2010, if the above explanation isn't clear, I suggest friends to also watch the video tutorial that I have previously prepared below.